Seeded wedding menu - Intertwining love
Key features :
Seed paper Our menu is made from high quality paper incorporating wild flower seeds. Once the wedding is over, simply plant the menu in your garden or a flower pot, and watch the beautiful flowers grow as a reminder of your special day.
Elegant design The "Entrelacs d'amour" is adorned with an artistic design of interlacing and floral motifs that symbolise the union of two souls. The soft, romantic colours add a touch of sophistication to your wedding table.
Customisablee: Personalise the menu with the names of the bride and groom, the wedding date and the meal menu to add a personal and memorable touch to your table decorations.
Environmentally friendly By choosing our seeded paper menu, you're helping to reduce your carbon footprint. It's a sustainable choice that encourages the growth of plant life and reminds us of the importance of cultivating love and nature.
Emotional bond The wildflower seeds included in the menu are a lasting symbol of your ever-growing love, just like the flowers that grow from this seeded paper.
Dimensions: [Specify menu dimensions].
**Package contents:** [Indicate what is included in the package, for example, the number of menus].
Create a unique and memorable atmosphere at your wedding by choosing our "Intertwining Love" wedding menu made from seeded paper. Not only will you impress your guests with its elegance and personalisation, but you'll also be helping to preserve the beauty of the planet.
Start your journey towards a lifetime of marital bliss by sowing the seeds of love and nature with this exceptional menu.
Seeded wedding menu - Intertwining love
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