
Plantable thank-you card - "Minimaliste

Plantable thank-you card - "Minimaliste

Looking for a special way to say "thank you" to those who mean something to you while pampering our planet? Discover our thank you card from the "Minimalist" art collection.

Whether it's for a personal thank you or to add an eco-friendly touch to your product parcels, this card is the perfect choice. It lets you express your gratitude while taking care of our precious planet. A small gesture that makes a big difference.

dimensions : 10 x 14 cm
paper Eco-recycled handmade parsemains, approx. 250g/m².
seeds Organic wild flower mix

Plantable thank-you card - "Minimaliste

SKU: thank-you-card Categories: ,


Plantable thank-you card - "Minimaliste

This little marvel, with its heartfelt fir-green "Mille mercis!" message, is simply charming. A small heart in the same colour adds a touch of love to your message. It's perfect for saying "thank you" to your loved ones, whether for a thoughtful gesture or simply to show them how much you appreciate them.

But our thank you card is also a gesture of love towards nature. It's made from seeded paper containing organic wildflower seeds. Once you've shared your gratitude, your recipients can plant it in a pot or their garden. The seeds will begin to grow, making this card a gift that continues to grow and blossom.

Plantable thank-you card - "Minimaliste

Additional information

Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 14 × 10 × 0.1 cm

7cm x10cm (dimensions of folded card), 5.50cm x 8.50cm (pack of 10 cards)

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